
Capras Community Care

Empowering Lives On and Off the Field

We strive to make a positive impact by fostering a sense of unity, support, and growth within our community.

Explore initiatives in place to uplift and empower individuals, embodying the spirit of teamwork that extends far beyond the game.

Join us in making a difference as we work together to create a stronger, more connected community.

Community Appearance Requests

Community Programs

Regional Community Program

The Capras Regional Community Program focuses on upskilling, knowledge-sharing, guidance, and support for young men and women throughout Central Queensland.

In partnership with community-focused organisations, our year-round program combines Rugby League with well-being and education initiatives.

Coaches and players from the Capras & NRL deliver a compelling message, aiming not just to create skilled Rugby League players but, more importantly, better individuals committed to reinvesting in their community.

Through strategic partnerships, we conduct various events and programs, including clinics, well-being, and education workshops, and motivational speakers, reaching areas throughout Central Queensland such as RockhamptonYeppoonGladstoneCalliopeDawson ValleyEmerald, and Woorabinda.

Capras School Engagement Program

Encourage a positive school environment through a program designed to address issues during the transition from primary to high school. Utilising the Capras way:


This program is developed in collaboration with industry professionals within the education system.

Capras Indigenous Engagement Program

Tailored to address the unique challenges faced by young people, particularly those of Indigenous heritage.

This includes learning:

  • learning the local Darumbal Language
  • traditional dance and customs
  • the history of artifacts
  • flora and fauna of the traditional custodians of the land

To make this program culturally identifiable, we collaborate with Indigenous leaders, role models, and football club players.

The Capras Community Care team engages with businesses in Central Queensland dedicated to creating employment and mentoring opportunities for young people, providing insights into specific industries and conducting on-site tours to guide Indigenous students toward their chosen career paths.

Professionals All Abilities Program

Join the Professionals All Abilities Program, designed to allow individuals of any age and ability to participate in Rugby League-related activities promoting health and well-being.

Run by semi-professional athletes, these programs not only enhance physical fitness but also promote leadership skills applicable to life beyond football.

Professionals All Abilities Program presented by:

Community Resources

SMW Group Community Care Van

The SMW Group Community Care Van serves as a vital mobile platform for CQ Capras’ community engagement, generously supported by SMW Group, fostering connections and delivering essential services to enhance the well-being of the local community.

SMW Group Community Care Van presented by:

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Rockhampton Leagues Club Capras logo